Tag Archives: time

Finding Time

            I am always looking for time. That is because I am always losing it. Time that is. I think I have plenty of it, only to discover that it has gone, vanished. Turn around and where did it go? Where does time go? One person told me they are living on borrowed time. Another said they had too much time on their hands. Is that where it went, or did they just take time and not tell me? Where do I get time? Is there a workshop some place near here where I can possibly make time?

            One day I found time. I confess. It was just there so I used it. I was waiting somewhere when I realized I had time—time to listen, time to learn, and time to think. It was great. I ought to do it more often. Now it is winter time. Ice and snow are on the way. At least I hope so, for that is a good time to find time. There is a downside to being shut in, like feeling lonely all by yourself, or, trapped with too many close relatives. But the break in the routine can give us the perspective to see the value of time well spent.

            Time is not consistent. When absorbed in a project, book or activity, it speeds on by us. When burdened by conflict, illness or fear, it slows almost to a halt. Some nights I barely close my eyes before the alarm starts ringing. On other nights I hear every tick of our grandfather clock. Psalm 90 encourages us “to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” For me this means that I am to use well the time allotted to me today. Time is a gift of grace. Apply it with wisdom.

            Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy your life today. Find the time. And let’s experience the love and power of God together.

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Filed under Christian Life, Darryl DeBorde, Family Life

Today Is Under Construction

I heard essayist Sheila Bender interviewed, and she told a story about visiting a castle in Japan. During the tour, one of the areas was cordoned off for some remodeling work that day. Rather than posting a typical “closed for remodeling” sign, the entrance to the area had a creatively translated sign that read: “Today is Under Construction.” Isn’t that an intriguing thought?

My today is under construction. The minutes and the hours are the framework of my day. How I arrange the materials, spend the resources and allot the spaces of today shape the life of tomorrow. The morning, afternoon, evening and night continue without end. Today is under construction; yesterday cannot be fixed or remodeled. My decisions and choices today carry my life into all of my tomorrows. My relationships with others are the memory makers of the day. My emotions, physical and mental health, and spiritual vitality help cement the day. Or are they the wallpaper I want others to see instead of the real day I am building? There are quiet spaces, but mostly noisy places accompanying my life today. Where are the windows, the doors and the open-air places?

I am a Christian under construction today. Knocking, asking, seeking, finding; listening, stumbling, learning, climbing. Today is under construction, so bear with me if things are not quite in their proper place. I have a Master Architect and an amazing Blueprint, but apparently I am in charge of my construction project today. I wonder what would happen if I asked you to help me with my today, and if I helped you with your today? I guess that might be risky – anything could happen and someone might get hurt, but today is still under construction.

Keep healthy. Pray mightily. Enjoy constructing your life today. And let’s experience the love and power of God together.

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